Online Map Locator Service | Fee: $15 |
A hyperlink from your page directly to Google™ and Yahoo™ map services identifying your location.
This is different than just displaying your address on your page as part of the text content you may want on your page anyway.
Document Downloads | Fee: $5 each |
Provide documents directly to your readers with a simple click on your page.
PDF files, Word Processed and Spreadsheet documents, Zip Files, etc.
Need your reader's to fill in a form or follow directions? Give them a downloadable copy online.
Visual Enhancements | Fees: See Below |
Simple Button "Over" Effect - (any level service) - .................. $5 each
A simple button (this is a sample) could link to your other page! Move your cursor over the blue button.
Custom Button "Over" Effect - (any level service) - .................. $15 each
- Let the button speak for itself ! Move your cursor over the "concerns" button.
Marquee Text Effect - Add this feature to any page - .................. $25 each
Service Features | Fees: See Below |
These features listed here are provided through on-line providers and are not warranted by TMA in any way. Once programmed, you can enjoy these features as long as the provider continues the service. The service provider attaches advertising to these services, although it's usually minor. This advertising can be avoided by upgrading with the service provider to a "premium" service for an additional fee of $ 80. Your first selection here includes a one-time setup fee of .................. $20
plus the services fees listed below...
Page Counter Counting visitors to your site. The Counter will appear displayed on your page.
This is a sample, but your style may vary.
000002 Available with any level web site service. $ 10
Guestbook Invite your readers (guests) to visit and sign in to leave a comment or answer a question.
The service operates "off-site" at the service provider.
Two hyperlinks are provided on your site:
(1) - invite your readers to sign in and leave comments,
(2) - invite your guests to browse the book to view prior entries.Available with any level web site service. $ 20
Calendar This service provides a full featured calendar for posting appointments and events for viewing by your guests.
Installation, editing and management of your events is yours to handle online through the service provider's site.
You'll be provided with the address and access codes.Available with any level web site service. $ 20
Interactive Email FORM Custom designed interactive fill-in-the-blank form to allow your readers to make an inquiry or report information and details, provide feedback and more.
You can select one-line fields, multi-line text boxes, drop-down menu options, yes/no buttons, and check boxes - to gather the information you need.
Your guest can fill-in the structured information - hit [Submit]...
... THEN - YOU GET AN EMAIL with the completed information.NOT Available for Basic Web Page Service. ONLY Available with the advanced, more complex web site service.
$ 50
Multi-Media | Fees: Custom Arrangement - Inquire |
NOT Available for Basic Web Page Service. Only on more advanced pages.
Sound clips can be made to play automatically in the background or on clicking a link.
Sound is best digitized as MP3 clips in very small file sizes.
Either you provide the sound files -or- our services can help to digitize your original recordings.
Just like sound, Video clips can be made to play automatically or on clicking a link.
Video is best digitized as MPG or WMV clips in very small file sizes.
Either you provide the video files -or- our services can help to digitize your original recordings.
NOTE: Media will "play" for the reader with the tool or manner determined by their machine and browser. This service presents and "links" to the media clip to invoke the player but no additional programming is provided. For example, this is not "streaming" media.
Financial Service | Fees: Custom Arrangement - Inquire |
NOT Available for Basic Web Page Service. Only on more advanced pages.
Product to sell? Service to sell? ... and you need to take a Credit Card Payments online?
No Problem !Specifics will obviously have to be arranged for your unique needs. Generally, a service is established for online money exchange or credit card processing allowing you to transfer income back to your neighborhood bank.
Your web page provides a "purchase" link for the buyer that leads to the online payment service where the transaction is completed.
This service does not include a product database management system. It is strictly a "point-of-sale" system for single item/event purchases.
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